Frequently Asked Questions
As a parent, how can you best support your child through their first break-up as an out LGBTQ person? Break-ups are hard for anyone, but we have some ideas to help you and your child through it.
One parent is trying to pinpoint the exact reason behind their daughter being gay, but, according to Alyse Knorr, nothing is ever that simple.
Kristin Russo, co-founder of The Parents Project, urges parents who totally accept their LGBTQIA child to dig a little deeper, ask questions, and always seek to learn and grow alongside your kid.
Sarah Simon gives parents 10 things to look for in determining whether or not their child's future college will be accepting of their LGBTQ identity.
Renee Zalles talks about choosing words wisely, and boosting rather than harming your LGBTQ child's confidence.
Parenting coach Susan Berland helps a parent navigate the confusion that can arise when a child says that they identify in a certain way, but acts in a way that may suggest otherwise.
Cornelia Prior has compiled a list of things your kid probably doesn't want to hear over the holidays.
Alyse Wayne offers advice to a parent who fears that their newly-out teenage son is turning his back on his faith, as he becomes increasingly resistant to attending church with the family.
Karen Thompson draws on personal experience to give advice to a parent who wants to understand their child's gender identity versus their sexuality.
Today, Allyee Whaley of The Trevor Project gives advice to a parent who is concerned about their son's mental health and wants to make sure that they know the warning signs of self harm.
Recently, Dannielle & Kristin, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, did an interview with Cool Hunting discussing their upcoming book This Is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids. Read one mom's question in response to the article, asking why the book is needed, and Kristin's reply!
Drawing on her experience facilitating a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) at a West Philadelphia school, Social worker Anna Krieger speaks about the kind of bullying that can often go unnoticed and escape accountability.
So, you've had "the talk" with your kid once, but now that they've come out to you, how can you adapt the conversation to be supportive and relevant?
Middle school bullies can be cruel. How can a parent help a child who is being bullied--without embarrassing them?
Dannielle & Kristin respond to a common question: 'If my daughter is attracted to women, why would she be with women who look like men?'
Kirsten & Lucy give advice to a parent who wants to establish ground rules about PDA and not sleeping in the same room without seeming unsupportive of their daughter's relationship.
What can your kid's school administration do to curb bullying? Out, queer educator Sara Schmidt-Kost offers tips to parents.
Watch: Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, respond to a parent's concern: "My kid just came out to me as a lesbian, and I'm worried that now they won't have a relationship with their faith." {Subtítulos en Español}
When a parent has a feeling that their kid may be gay, is it better to ask directly or give them the time and space to come out (or not) on their own? Laurin Mayeno, founder of Out Proud Families, weighs pros and cons and speaks from her experience.
Watch: Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, explain what PFLAG is, and how it supports families when one of their friends or relatives comes out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ). {Subtítulos en Español}
New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann answers a question from a parent who feels that their child's bisexual identity is a product of being influenced by a new group of friends, not who he actually is.
Watch: Laurin Lubin, creator of the movement We Exist, explains why people might change their names and pronouns, and how to adjust to using the correct pronouns over time. {Subtítulos en Español}
Watch: Lauren Lubin, creator of the movement We Exist, sits down with Kristin Russo, co-founder of My Kid Is Gay, to explain the gender terms "transgender," "cisgender," and "genderqueer." {Subtítulos en Español}
Watch: Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, answer the question, "My kid just came out... How can I support them?" {Subtítulos en Español}
Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, answer the question, "My daughter came out to me, but I think it's just a phase." {Subtítulos en Español}
Dannielle & Kristin discuss a parent's role in telling others about their child's sexuality or gender identity.
Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, answer the question, "Why did my son wait so long to tell me that he was gay?" {Subtítulos en Español}
Coming out as bisexual is hard, especially because so many of us have false ideas about what bisexuality is. Here are some ways to help you be truly accepting of your child's bisexuality.