Austen Hartke, author of Transforming: The Bible & the Lives of Transgender Christians, writes about the faith-based questions that Christian parents might have when their child comes out as transgender.
Menstruation is a very gendered topic in our society, but it doesn't have to be! Here's how to talk about periods without invalidating your non-binary kid's identity.
Austen Hartke's new book shows the world that transgender Christians have always existed, and is an incredible resource to help Christian parents, leaders, and community members understand how trans folks experience Christianity.
My kid is exploring their gender and asked me to tell my super Christian parents about it. Should I wait until my kid has settled on an identity that fits them?
Gender therapy can be really helpful for many trans and non-binary people. Here's what you need to know as a parent!
What are the different aspects of transitioning, and why might someone start a transition?
Podcasts can be incredible resources to learn new things and, in the case of these five podcasts, become a better ally to the LGBTQ community.
My daughter and her wife are having a baby, and I don't understand what their sexuality has to do with not wanting to have a gender reveal party!
What are neopronouns, where do they come from, and how can we use them when referring to people?
How can I teach my kids that a person's appearance does not tell you anything about their gender or pronouns?
My kid is non-binary, but what do we do about things that are inherently gendered, like bathrooms and Mr. and Miss?
When your kid comes out as transgender AND gay, approach the topic with an open mind, and leave behind your ideas about what is “right” or “wrong” when it comes to who we are and who we love based on gender.
My gender nonconforming son has found a new hobby, but will people think it's inappropriate for a 9-year-old?
Our school's librarian included the book "George" in the student book club and was met with a lot of pushback from parents saying it's inappropriate. What can I do as a fellow teacher?
Step one: Use the new, correct name and pronouns all the time—even when they’re not there to hear you, even when you’re just thinking about them in your head.
This book shows kids and adults alike that there's nothing strange about a boy who likes to knit!
The holiday season is upon us—here's some advice on talking to your relatives about your child's gender nonconforming wish list!
A long list of helpful resources—both here at My Kid Is Gay and beyond—to help teachers everywhere learn about the LGBTQ community and how to create classrooms that are inclusive of LGBTQ identities.
My child just started using they/them pronouns, but so far they just don't seem that DIFFERENT to me. Am I missing something?
My gender nonconforming son tends to push boundaries when it comes to clothes, makeup, and hair.
A conversation with Irwin Krieger, LCSW, about what transgender and nonbinary youth need in terms of counseling and parental support.
Grace Manger got to chat with author Laurie Frankel about her new novel "This Is How It Always Is," which centers a transgender child and her family.
"This Is How It Always Is" is Laurie Frankel's newest novel—one that focuses on a transgender child and her family's journey to support her as best they can.
My student started using they/them pronouns, but not all teachers are supportive. What do I do?