Why Didn't He Tell Me Sooner?
Watch: Dannielle Owens-Reid & Kristin Russo, co-founders of My Kid Is Gay, answer the question, "Why did my son wait so long to tell me that he was gay?”
I accept my son for who he is, but I don’t think the rest of the family will feel the same way. How can I support him if everyone else reacts poorly?
If you are thinking that this is all a lot, you are right, but if you are thinking that you are alone, you are wrong.
"My son is just a kid. He should be able to go to any school in our area and know that his school will protect him from hate. But that’s not where we live."
There's a bully at school, and my daughter's best friend is questioning his sexual orientation. Should I tell his mom?
My son came out and doesn't feel safe attending the church we've been a part of for over a decade. Is it ok if I keep going?
When your kid comes out as transgender AND gay, approach the topic with an open mind, and leave behind your ideas about what is “right” or “wrong” when it comes to who we are and who we love based on gender.
My son struggles with depression and it's only gotten worse since he came out as bisexual. How can I support him?
LGBT Muslims have existed throughout history, but coming out in Muslim communities does have its obstacles.
My child just started using they/them pronouns, but so far they just don't seem that DIFFERENT to me. Am I missing something?
My student started using they/them pronouns, but not all teachers are supportive. What do I do?