Hello, and Welcome to My Kid Is Gay!
Hello, and Welcome to
My Kid Is Gay!
My Kid Is Gay is a first-of-its-kind digital space dedicated to connecting parents, caregivers, and educators with answers to their questions about the LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual) young people in their lives. We offer advice (you can ask a question here!), personal stories, and expert opinions from a diverse panel of writers made up of parents, young people, and experts! Our writers tackle a large variety of issues such as gender identity, sexuality, sex education, and religion.
In addition to the advice, stories, and essays provided by our panel of contributors, My Kid Is Gay maintains an extensive list of resources, including legal groups, mental health resources, parenting resources, and more.
How Do I Use My Kid Is Gay?
Our content is separated into 7 major categories: Dear MKIG (all of our advice posts!), Sex, Gender, School + Work, Religion, Personal Stories, Books + TV, & The Defining Series (where we unpack a lot of the terminology you'll come across as the loved one of an LGBTQIA person!). You will see those main categories in the "Topics" drop down menu from anywhere on the site!
Past those main categories, we also have other categories you can navigate by clicking on the blue boxes you'll see at the top of each post. They include topics such as Mental Health, Holidays, Lists, & Young Children.
You can also type in keywords or questions into the search bar, located towards the top right of the screen! And, of course, you can always ask us your own question by clicking here!
Where Should I Start?
If you are new to My Kid Is Gay (or to being the family member or educator of an LGBTQIA young person), there are three places on this site that you should check out before anything else! They are:
1. Frequently Asked Questions: This is a collection of the most commonly asked questions, including “Is this just a phase?”, “Is this a choice,” and “How do I know when to tell other people?” You can find all of the FAQs right here: http://mykidisgay.com/frequently-asked-questions/
2. Our Glossary & The Defining Series: We have a glossary of terms that can help you better understand new words or phrases related to LGBTQIA identities! You can find The Defining Series in the Topics drop-down, and check out our glossary here: http://mykidisgay.com/glossary/
3. Additional Resources: We have an always-expanding list of national and international resources for families, caregivers, and educators. Resources like PFLAG, GLSEN, and more are all listed (and explained) on our resources page: http://mykidisgay.com/resources/
Thank you so much for visiting us!!
Coming out as bisexual is hard, especially because so many of us have false ideas about what bisexuality is. Here are some ways to help you be truly accepting of your child's bisexuality.